
They Play Games Logo in Yellow with white microphone

They Play Games is a podcast aimed at Gender Non Conforming Bodies within the gaming world, be it gamers or the people behind the games.  

It was created so folks were able to share their stories and so others can also hear from them.

About Ladell (They/Them)

Ladell is a non binary Black Woman who entered the game industry in 2021 and vowed that they would make a change and provide a space for others like them to have.  Being a minority in games is hard but there are so many amazing people out there who will support us.  

Towards the end of 2022, after many social meetings, Lauren (From ShePlaysGames) and Ladell had their first meeting to set up They Play Games and the rest is history.  

Ladell is an Social and Community Manager at Auroch Digital by day, a Kpop loving, mental health enthusiast and all round gamer by night.  

Share Your Story!

If you would like to take part in the Podcast, please fill out this form!

Please note there is a bit of a backlog so don't worry if you haven't heard from us πŸ’œ